Budėjimo režime: 4.5 mėnesio
Nuolatinio įrašymo režime: 50 valandų
Išmatavimai: 60×31x8 mm
Audio kodekas: 16-bit
This recorder, is remarkable for high quality of sound due to much sharper signal digitizing by 16-bit audio codec. The recorder can provide more than 50 hours of battery life at fully charged battery in record mode and up to 4,5 months in standby mode.
A64-300h - last digits in the models' names show the maximum recording duration (sampling rate 8 kHz, without compression) in hours.
Edic-mini Tiny 16 A64 is distinguished by its multitasking functionality. A record is protected against forgery by a specially developed system of markers. Built-in AGC system (Automatic Gain Control) enables it to provide high-quality recording in noisy areas automatically lowering too heavy sounds and enhancing faint ones.